To transform California by eradicating the commercial tobacco industry’s influence and reducing the harm caused by tobacco products to the health, environment, and economic well-being of California’s diverse populations.
Organizations of Excellence
Is your organization doing great work to achieve a tobacco-free California? Tell us more! Apply to be next month’s Organization of Excellence feature.
To promote health justice, eliminate tobacco-related disparities, and reduce health inequities for all Californians.
There are up to 10 times more tobacco ads in African American/Black neighborhoods than in others (Source)
The tobacco industry appropriates American Indian cultures in marketing, using valued traditions to promote tobacco use. (Source)
Tobacco companies have sponsored Hispanic/Latino cultural events, provided scholarships, and made contributions to Hispanic/Latino political action committees to maintain its influence (Source)
A Tobacco executive stated that Asian American populations would be a profitable target due to “this community being generally predisposed toward smoking.” (Source)
In 1995, a tobacco company created a targeted marketing plan for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) communities called “Project SCUM” (Source)